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We pride ourselves in the relationships we build with clients. Ideally, we like to meet with clients on a quarterly basis to ensure that our set benchmarks are being met. Additionally, we find it wise to meet with new clients more frequently in order to build a strong relationship from the beginning.

Planning to meet the financial requirements of your survivors can be difficult to assess. By utilizing a capital needs analysis, you can proactively estimate your life insurance needs. Plan ahead with our life insurance calculator

The rule of thumb for income investing if you never want to run out of money is to take 4% of your account balance out each year. This is commonly referred to on Wall Street as the 4% rule.

Unfortunately, bear markets intercede every three or four years and cause investors to experience portfolio deterioration. Exit strategies though active management endeavor to achieve three main objectives: (1) to preserve capital,(2) to absolutely evade and avoid large market downturns, and (3) to equal or exceed the performance of a buy-and-hold portfolio over a market cycle on a risk-adjusted basis.

An investment strategy that endeavors to be heavily invested in the market when it is advancing and to be defensive or light in the market then it is in prolonged declining trend. It endeavors to equal or exceed the performance of a buy-hold portfolio a risk adjusted basis

To achieve three main objectives:

1. to preserve your capital

2. to absolutely evade and avoid large market downturns.

3. To equal or exceed the performance of a buy-and-hold portfolio over a market cycle on a risk-adjusted basis..

An investment strategy that limits ongoing buying and selling actions as investments are made with the intention of long-term appreciation and limited maintenance. The goal is to buy stocks and hold them for a long period of time, regardless of fluctuations in the market. 

It is never too early to start saving for retirement and implanting various savings plans at a young age is one of the smartest things you can do. Both Traditional and Roth IRAs are typically more flexible than your standard 401(k) and both offer multiple tax advantage that add to your distribution amount. 

We offer Rollover IRA accounts which transfer the holdings of one retirement plan to another without suffering tax consequences.

Our goal is to get you the most out of your retirement fund. We pride ourselves in the ability to stretch an IRA or create a tax-advantaged trust so wealth can continue to grow as you move into retirement and pass wealth on for generations.

Nest Egg Dollar Amount = Annual Dollar Withdrawal / Rate of Return on Nest Egg.

Required Nest Egg Dollar Amount

Annual Withdrawal















